Testing 1, 2. Testing!

Is this thing on? Oh, hi!

First blog post on my website… isn’t that exciting. The post itself might not be that exciting but the thought of a new website certainly is.

I’m writing this on my birthday (when I get an idea sometimes I just have to go for it otherwise I’ll forget it) which might seem a little sad to some, but I was too excited about the idea of launching my new site that I couldn’t help myself.

A bit like me, this isn’t the finished article. Let’s call it V1, and further versions will follow shortly as time passes, with each version getting better and better.

Designing this was quite a challenge. I’ve spent the last few years trying to define what I am (professionally) and the look/feel of my brand, meet, designwithcal. I hope that it reflects who I am as a person and my attitude to design. I’m sure it will evolve significantly as time goes on, but don’t we all? ;)